November: Department seminar, North Carolina State University, USA (via Zoom)

October: Department seminar, University of York, UK (via Zoom)

April: Stanford market design group, Stanford, CA, USA (via Zoom)


November: 11th Meeting in Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

October: Ad-hoc Microeconomic Theory seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland

October: 16th workshop on Matching in Practice, Gothenburg, Sweden.

June: Designing and Evaluating Matching Markets, WZB Berlin, Germany.

June: Conference on Economic Design, Budapest, Hungary .

June: Swiss Theory Day, Basel, Switzerland.

May: Match-Up 2019, Ascona, Switzerland.

May: Universidad de Málaga, Spain.


October: Market design forum - University of Zurich.

June: The 14th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

June: Swiss Theory Day, University of Bern, Switzerland.

May: Microeconomics seminar, UNIL, Lausanne.

May: MicroLab, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

January: Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi.


December: Matching Workshop, Padua, Italy.

November: Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal.

September: IBK Matching Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria.

June: Conference on Economic Design, York, UK.

February: ISET-HEC Joint Workshop, Tbilisi, Georgia.


July: Conference on Economic Design, Istanbul, Turkey.


March: CIREQ Montreal Matching Conference, Montreal, Canada.


July: Conference on Economic Design, Lund, Sweden.

July: SING9 conference on game theory, Vigo, Spain.


August: The XIth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, New Delhi.

March: Doctoral Students Workshop, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi.